2, CSS

2.3, More Background Properties

In the webpage above, you can see the body has a background of a donut image. In this session, we are going to create a webpage with a background image, and some adjustments.
1. Write the basic html code.
        <title>Background properties</title>
2. Open a style tag in the head tag for later use to style your div.
            <title>Background properties</title>
3. Go to the style tag and write 'body' followed by curly brackets.
        <title>Background properties</title>
            body {
4. Inside the curly brackets write background image with the image path in a url with brackets. Use an image you want to use. You can use an image you found either on your computer or online, url works for both.
🌟 Add a width and height of 400% to your body tag too
        <title>Background properties</title>
            body {
                height: 400%;
                background-image: url(C:/Users/pakistan/Pictures/Screenshots/donut.png);
5.Save your file and open it on your browser.
🌟 You can see that the image repeats itself both on the x and y axis.

2.3.1. Background Repeat

🌟 It enables you to adjust the repetition of your background.
🌟 You can set the property to a value of 'none' which stops background image from repeating itself over and over.
You can also set the property to 'repeat-x' which makes the background to repeat itself only in the x axis while 'repeat-y' makes the background repeat itself only in the y axis.
πŸ™‚ background-repeat: repeat-x;
        <title>Background properties</title>
            body {
                background-repeat: repeat-x;
                height: 400%;
                background-image: url(C:/Users/pakistan/Pictures/Screenshots/donut.png);

        <title>Background properties</title>
            body {
                background-repeat: repeat-y;
                height: 400%;
                background-image: url(C:/Users/pakistan/Pictures/Screenshots/donut.png);

πŸ™‚ We made you adjust your width and height property to a value of 400%, to demonstrate how the background works in the x and y axis.
πŸ™‚ The β€œbackground-repeat: no-repeat” key value pair will be hard to be demonstrated in the width and height of 400%;
πŸ™‚ So go to your styles tag and remove the width and height properties from the body,
        <title>Background properties</title>
            body {
                 background-repeat: no-repeat;
                 background-image: url(C:/Users/pakistan/Pictures/Screenshots/donut.png);

πŸ™‚ As you can see only a single image appears when you give it the value of no-repeat.
2.3.2. Background Position

🌟 If you want to align your background image to the center,at the left right or something else you can use background position. The values are: top, left, bottom and center
        <title>Background properties</title>
            body {
                background-position: center;
                background-repeat: no-repeat;
                background-image: url(C:/Users/pakistan/Pictures/Screenshots/donut.png);

2.3.3. Background Attachment

🌟 If you want your background to never move when you scroll you can use a value called 'fixed'. There is another default value called scroll which just goes with the scroll.
background-attachment: fixed;
🌟 You will sometimes use this property when working on scrollable webpages.
2.3.4. Background size

🌟 If you have a big image that doesn't fit in your div, or a smaller image that doesn't fit in your div, you can make the image cover your div by using background-size.
                background-size: cover;
                background-size: contain;
Cover fully covers the div with the image.
Contain makes the image scaled as large as possible to fit in the div.
        <title>Background properties</title>
            body {
                background-size: cover;
                background-position: center;
                background-repeat: no-repeat;