2, CSS


1.1, Tags

Tags are words that command the way we see things on the web browser.
For example: <h1> Hello World</h1> , here h1 is a tag, and ' <,> and /' are used to open and close the tag.
Tip: Web browser is a software that helps you to see what is on the internet or your PC.
And it is also used to run your HTML file. Some examples of web browsers are Chrome, Edge, Firefox,
Safari, Opera, ...

Opening and Closing tags.
Opened tags example: <html> , <body> , <head> , <h1> , <p> , <div>
Closed tags example: </html> , </body> , </head> , </h1> , </p> , </div>
So, the difference between opened and closed tag is just a simple character (/). We close our opened
tags by using '/'.

1.1.1, Attributes and values

Are words that define the tags that we have written.
For example <p class="my-text">Hey Guys</p> now here 'class' is called the 'attribute.' And "my-text" is called the 'value' of the attribute.

1.1.2, Elements

Elements are the combination of the tag (opening and closing), attributes and everything that is in between.
<h1 class="hello">Hi people</h1> All this is called an element.