1, CSS overwrites properties when you write a property after another. For example, if you write color: red; and on the next line color: blue, CSS will make the element's color blue not red, because blue is written after red.
.my-text {
color: red;
<p class=“my-text”>Hello</p>
2, CSS overwrites properties of the class, when we write a property with a class and id for an element, and then applies the properties of the id.
For example:
#my-text-id {
color: green;
.my-text {
color: red;
<p class=“my-text” id=“my-text-id”>Hello</p>
⭐ In this case the color will be green not blue, because of our id.
🌟 But CSS overwrites the properties when they are the same. But if there are different properties written in the class, the id doesn't care.
For eg:
#my-text-id {
color: green;
.my-text {
color: red;
background-color: pink;
<p class=“my-text” id=“my-text-id”>Hello</p>
In this case the element will have a color of green (from the id) and a background-color of pink (from the class).
3, And beyond all the element selector comes. It overwrites id and classes.
For example:
p {
color: purple;
#my-text-id {
color: green;
.my-text {
color: red;
background-color: pink;
<p class=“my-text” id=“my-text-id”>Hello</p>
Now the color will be purple (from the element selector) and the background-color would be pink (from the class).