2, CSS

1.3, The h tag (The Header Tag)

⭐ Is used to create headings on your webpage.
⭐ h tags start from h1 to h6 which vary in size.
⭐ The h tags decrease in size as the number beside them increases. That means h1>h2>h3>h4>h5>h6.

Now let's go to our notepad and code the h tag inside our html file.
1. Inside your notepad code the basic html code,

        <title> My first heading</title>
2. Inside the body tag, open and close an h1 tag and write any text you want,
        <title> My first heading</title>
        <h1>This is a heading</h1>
3.Save your code and open the file on your browser.

Exercise: Try to change the number behind your heading(h) tag to see how the size varies as the numbers change.