IDE is a software that help us to write code easily. Notepad is good to write code, but IDE is 🤩🤩amazing🤩🤩. And there are many IDEs in the world free or paid. And we got a free and wonderful IDE for you to download. And it's called
Visual Studio Code. Here's the link for Visual studio code.
Go there choose your operating system, and then just
click on the blue download button. It will start downloading. And after you finish downloading, install it. Then have fun writing code easily. But let's get you through how we can create HTML and CSS JavaScript files in your IDE (Visual
Studio Code).
First open the app.
Then, click on open folder.
Then, create a new folder.
Then, select the folder.
And then, create your HTML and CSS files there.
Tip: If you are stuck when creating the file, after writing the name, hit enter on your keyboard then it will create the file. Or click with your mouse on another spot.
Now, you
know how to create HTML and CSS files.